carolannexbh (comments)
Displaying 161 - 180 of 233 comments
Singing sucks. xD. I like to paly instead of be vocal. x]. Did you learn any chords?
Audition. :]. Do you play any games?
Oh and I need to start practicing my guitar. I have two new songs that I want to learn how to play =/.
umm we're really not sure. She's definitely a mutt... She looks like a teeny German Shepherd XD. She's too cute.
oh my goodness! I just went to Target today, too! Hahahaha. I go there way too much X_X possibly 1-2 times a week. My friend and I just wondered about and bought a few things, and she ended up buying the nasty popcorn they have for sale there. :P People who get into public fights on the phone are so irritating! Gah! I wish they would just shut up and be more respectful to their environments T_T
My jog was good! My endurance is increasing, thankfully, and I even outran my dog (which is a huge accomplishment)
Oh xD!! I'm so bored, I just got off this game I've been playing xD.
Hey! I'm super tired and sweaty XD I just went running. :P How are you?
I just hate shakespeare in general.
I might hate it a little less if it was actually understandalbe or relatable, but english teachers seem to get a kick out of forcing kids to read the old english version.
Aww, I'm sorry to hear that!
Seems all english teachers are a bit nutty.
Mine just made my class separate into groups and act out scense of MacBeth in class today.
It was bad.
Hey Carolanne, I'm Tina! (: Not much is up, haha. I'm procrastinating. :x And you? :]
Yes, they so do.
Aww, sorrry to hear that. =/
Yeah, My english grade's plummeting by the day.
Cuz we're reading stupid Shakespeare.
Do each test/quiz I get back has been consecutively lower than the previous one.
Ugh, I know.
Me toooo.
I want vacation so bad.
Stress is no fun at all. =/
You're lucky!
I don;t have another vacation till next month.
And that's AFTER mcas (stupid state-wide testing thingymabobber).
Pretty good I guess. =]
oh, word. none of my parents even went to school in america XD
haha, but they do know private schools are way better.
over here in nyc is pretty expensive though
cept regis high which only accepts scholarship students
didnt bother, heard their test was hard.
Hey! =]
Not too much.
Sorry it took so long to reply.
I had like 300 projects due today, so I've been super stressed. xD
How're you? =]
No wonder why your parents brought you into a girls school. :P.
I hate my school. ;( No cute boys. *sigh*
D: Why do you go to an all-girls school? >__>!!
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