carolannexbh (comments)
Displaying 141 - 160 of 233 comments
yes, im already dead.
its sucks =[
well, i dont have school friday!
ohdear, you so beat me at that.
my spring break starts april >=[
Haha, me too! D: It's like I have procrastination disorder.
blech, nothing >.<
so much HOMEWORK this week!!
ahhh =[[
Yo. Nothing too much on this side. Just planning on staying up all night with DVD TV and a few movies. I'm really hungry right now, and my house has barely any food in it - it's stupid. How are you, mam?
Haha, me too. I have a huge Bio test on Wednesday and I'm just sitting here watching random things on TV.
I'm.. procrastinating yet again. XD I even procrastinate on comments. -.-
Aw the link didn't work! :C So just IM it to me later or something. ^_^
Haha, hello. I'm Cristy. C: I'm okay, just tired because I only got home around 8PM. I had fun though. How 'bout you?
Really? Lucky, I've been keeping c's and two F's for not doing any homework.
Yeah it does, I just started trying again, so it won't be that bad anymore.
i'm not lucky with the report card coming my way. yeah it's finally friday though, that's cool.
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